Cheese coatings
Well-designed and proven solutions
Concentrol is a specialist in the formulation of food coatings for cheeses and charcuterie. These products are developed and manufactured in Spain at a production site focused on innovation and excellence. Concentrol has been our supplier of cheese coatings for 7 years.
Basé in Riudellot
de la Selva, Spain
A culture of R&D
and innovation
A busines of
150 employees
Their expertise
Founded over 80 years ago, Concentrol is renowned for its coatings designed for cheeses and charcuterie, as well as its anti-foaming agents. Boasting modern facilities and specialized technical and sales teams, the firm heavily invests in R&D to provide innovative and efficient solutions tailored to its clients' specific needs.
Your everyday challenges
When you share your goals and challenges with us, we respond by analyzing your needs and proposing high-performance, tailored solutions.