Giving cheeses a perfect finish
A cheese coating machine ensures a smooth and even finish while saving time and energy.

Machines to apply coatings on your cheeses
Coatings are designed to control cheese aging and protect them. They are applied in several stages and require several layers.
Coating machines allow for obtaining regular layers, minimizing coating consumption, and increasing productivity.
Coating step-by-step
Coating happens in 3 key steps:
Protection after brining
Just after brining, the first layer will protect the cheese during its first days of ripening. A bioprotector can be added to the coating for better protection. To ensure good adhesion, the cheese surface must be dried in a drying room or with a Tecnical drying tunnel.
Several coating layers are applied at different ages to control the aging of cheeses. Adding layers reduces exchanges with ambient air, consequently controlling water losses and developing flavors.
The last layer often has a more marketing function by coloring the surface or adding a muslin label.
Different options based on your needs:

Semi-automatic on wheels or automatic in-line to adapt to the quantity of wheels.
By flaps transfer or pulverization

Machines adapted to the shape of cheeses.
Few features of the coating machines:

Loss reduction
Reduction of coating consumption.

Application of a consistent layer on the entire cheese

Saving time on cheese coating and cleaning.

We also distribute cheese coatings!
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